Sonntag, 31. Mai 2009

Eigene Banner in ein paar Schritten

Sie benötigen professionelle Banner für Ihre Webseite? Sie suchen nach einem Weg, Geld beim Webdesign einzusparen? Oder benötigen Sie gute Werbemittel (Banner in allen Größen) für Ihre Affiliates? Wie wäre es, wenn Sie all das in kürzester Zeit selbst erstellen könnten? Nun dann ist das eigentlich die perfekte Lösung für Sie ...

Wir haben für Sie ein "do-it-yourself" Banner "Maker" System wie kein anderes. Das Problem mit anderen Systemen ist, dass am Ende meist nicht das herauskommt, was Sie eigentlich wollten. Sie wissen, was ich meine ...

Wenn Sie ein Bannerpack oder eine Software zur Bannererstellung kaufen, endet es meistens damit, dass es einfach zu kompliziert ist, Sie eine Menge Zeit vergeuden und das Ergebnis im Endeffekt laienhaft aussieht. Letztendlich lassen Sie dann doch alles von Designern erledigen und bezahlen eine Menge Geld dafür. Oder Sie nutzen das laienhafte Design und verlieren potentielle Kunden und damit jede Menge Geld.

Und dieser Kreislauf wird sich immer wiederholen, denn auch in der Zukunft werden Sie ständig Banner benötigen. Gut gestylte Werbemittel sind das A und O jeder Marketingkampagne. Und sie sind vielleicht das fehlende Puzzleteil für mehr Verkäufe, mehr Anmeldungen in Ihren Mailinglisten und damit einen höheren Umsatz.

Mit professionellen Bannern holen Sie einfach mehr aus Ihrem Business heraus. Aber es kostet jedesmal Geld oder raubt Ihnen kostbare Zeit.

Mit diesem System erstellen Sie zum einen faszinierende Banner in wenigen Minuten und zum anderen sparen Sie hunderte Euro an Designkosten. Und Sie müssen nicht erst den Umgang erlernen, sondern können sofort beginnen

BannerMaker /BannerCreator

Sonntag, 24. Mai 2009

Free Ebooks- Free Email course PPC Marketing

Want to learn more about Internet Marketing ?

Dont waste your time with trial and error, read that books first

Have a look behind the scenes.
Anyway if you are an advanced marketer or a "newbie"
FREE EBOOKS about Internet Marketing
Your basics for a successful business

Special offer to my subscribers: I`ll create a cover for YOUR OWN EBOOK

FOR FREE(looking like mine on that page) Sign in for the FREE EBOOKS

to see the details

Samstag, 9. Mai 2009

How Paid Ads Can Earn You Dollars Instead of Cents

How are your AdSense ads doing these days? I remember when I first started using Google’s AdSense program. Sometimes the clicks were over $2 per click and the money was rolling in and I used to hit my threshold every month without fail earning over $100.00 every month no problem. Now these days I am lucky to hit that same threshold every 6 months. This is due to the changes in advertising and the amount of targeted ads Pay Per Click advertisers are willing to pay. After Google take their cut I am lucky enough to earn around 0.10C per click and I know I am not the only one who is experiencing these changes. If you are new to the Ad game, then you will only see the small amounts coming in! Not much is it? In fact I bet you could hardly afford a cut of coffee per day from your earnings from AdSense? And your threshold! Well you may as well kiss it good bye because Google expect you to earn $100.00 before you even see a Cent in your bank account. I think you get my point .

This is what brings me to CB Ad Rotator. Now imagine you had a replacement for paid ads in the form of ClickBank products worth anywhere up $297.00 with up to 75% commissions on some products. This as you know is the highest payments possible, but if you take the average product at say $47 with the average commission 55%, this is still $25.85 commission from one click. Now compare this to what you would earn from AdSense revenue in one day from 100 clicks (if you get that many). Yes you got it, $10 - $10 from 100 clicks, this is nothing compared to the automated revenue you could earn from your blog or website with CB Ad Rotator.

Take a look at for a comparison table and real screen shots of a weeks earning from both paid ad systems. You will then see the truth.

There is no magical formula to accompany CB Ad Rotator either. This program is so easy to setup and the guys at CB Ad Rotator give you full support, in the form of email and video tutorials. The process is as simple as 1,2,3 so even a child could set up this on your website. There is no need for hosting as CB Ad Rotator hosting is included in the price. Really all you need to do is login to your control panel, select your targeted key words and you are ready to go. CB Ad Rotator will continually update with targeted Ads from ClickBank’s market place, there is no need to change as new ClickBank products are even updated to your ads for you, it’s that simple. provides an excellent and profitable alternative to AdSense, which will benefit you and your visitors for years to come. You can even run the two ad programs side by side if you wish.

Thanks for reading

PS: its working at my site :