Montag, 30. März 2009

Fast Lane Fitness for busy people

..Fast Lane Fitness!"

Just because you're stuck in your small office space 8+ hours a day doesn't mean you can't keep your blood flowing. If you know where to look, there are opportunities all day long to burn extra calories.

Within my 50 page guide, "Fast Lane Fitness," you'll learn all the tips, tricks, and tactics of those who must be creative to stay active. And you can get your hands on them in just minutes from now.

see here:

Donnerstag, 26. März 2009

What is GOOGLE AdSense ?

Google AdSense is an ad-serving program that places ads that “make sense” – specifically, that make sense based on relevant content, and assumptions about who might be interested in that content. AdSense is an application of the broaderconcept of Contextual Marketing. Contextual Marketing is just what it sounds like.

On a website about custom cars, you might have an ad for fancy wheels or car care kits. On a website about off-roading, you might have an ad for durable truck tires or spotlight rigs. A hockey site might advertise hockey sticks…and a tennis site, tennis shoes. Contextual Marketing just means aligning the ad serving with the context/nature of the website and its audience, the same way like items are grouped in a store. And the “context” can be cut much finer than website level; it can be page level, article level, and so on, so the ads always match the materialthey are appearing near, and thus, appeal to the interest of the reader/buyer at any given moment.

So what’s in it for you – the website publisher/owner? That’s easy. Every time a visitor to your site clicks one of these ads, you make money. The better the ads are targeted, the more clicks you get, the more money you make. AdSense displays easy-to-read, text-based, relevant ads that don’t overshadow the content of your website or annoy visitors. Actually, you have seen hundreds of these ads yourself, as you’ll realize in a moment.

Today there are probably only a few places in your website that can directly make you money, if any. The magic of Google AdSense is this: It allows you to earn money through every page of your website. On top of that, with algorithms used to align ad content with page content Google automatically selects and displays ads for your website that are likely to generate the highest revenue for you.

Want to learn more about?? "Adsense Cash Crave" Thats 1 of my Free Ebooks For YOU:

Montag, 16. März 2009

For all Ebay users

Hi,this is Michael.

Want to send you a FREE EBOOK if you are using Ebay. Its a book for sellers and buyers as well. Hope you enjoy it.

Your “Guide To Cashing In On Ebay”.

FREE EBOOK for sellers and buyers as well.

Just sign in at:

and grab your FREE EBOOK.There´s another book as a BONUS FOR YOU:

100 Top tips for Blogging

Enjoy reading that tips.

Join now.Its FREE.No hidden fees or payment !

Best regards,


Maverick Money Makers:

Samstag, 14. März 2009

100 tips for bloggers - free

My guess is that you downloaded this report because you do too, and you want to become an even better blogger. Isn’t that what every blogger wants? 
Whether you’re a brand new blogger, haven’t yet launched your blog, or have been at it awhile, I hope you’ll glean something useful from this report.
It’s a collection of tips I’ve picked up since I started blogging 5 years ago.  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed putting it together. And, you have my permission to share this document with anyone you want.

Samstag, 7. März 2009

Bankkonten Schufa - Frei ?

Falls Sie weniger kämpferisch veranlagt sind, finden Sie in diesem Insider-Report Mittel und Wege beschrieben, wie man problemlos Konten neu eröffnet, auch wenn die eigene Bonität grottenschlecht ist. Denn die SCHUFA bleibt einfach außen vor!

Nicht nur im Ausland gibt es zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, sondern sogar in Deutschland selbst. Ich verrate Ihnen Tipps und Tricks, wie es klappt, auch ohne dass die sonst so allmächtige SCHUFA davon erfährt oder gar einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen kann. Wertvolle Informationen, die Sie
kaum woanders finden. Erfolgreich vorexerziert von Freunden und Informanten, teilweise von mir selber.

Nicht nur Privatleute können von den Insidertipps profitieren, auch SCHUFA- freie Geschäftskonten sind möglich. Suchen Sie sich das für Sie Passende aus.Alles ist nachvollziehbar und legal ! Angenehm ist auch, dass viele Konten sogar per Post bzw. online zu beschaffen sind !!
Mehr dazu unter:

Montag, 2. März 2009

Free email course about blogging

Want to learn more about successful blogging. monetizing your blog ? This is a free 7 days email course about the secrets of successful blogging. Just sign in to that course, its really for FREE !!
To your success


Make a blog - 5 Tips of 100


The importance of this cannot be overemphasized. Having your blog on your own domain means your blog’s address is easier to remember and will be taken more seriously.

2. Publish To Your Own Hosting

Equally important to the previous tip. Do not publish your blog to a subdomain (like .blogspot or .wordpress). Blogspot blogs sometimes get randomly deleted and if yours does, you cannot retrieve your posts. You only truly own your blog if you publish it to your own hosting account. I recommend Momwebs for their affordable prices and fantastic customer service.

3. Purpose.

To borrow from Stephen Covey, begin with the end in mind. What is the purpose of your blog? Think about what you want from your blog a couple of years down the road. Is it to share your ideas with a wide audience? To be social? To write your memoir? To make money (and if so,how much)? To get a book deal? To snag opportunities (speaking,consulting, etc)? Write it down. It will help guide your decisions later on.

4. Set Goals.

Based on your one abiding goal, set small attainable goals,perhaps one for each month. It may be a certain number of comments, a certain number of posts, a traffic goal, or an income goal. If you know what you're working towards, your efforts will be more focused and productive.

5. Content, Content, Content.

The most important part of your blog is yourcontent. Focus on creating high quality content first and foremost. It's your most important marketing tactic of all.

Join my Free email course about successful blogging +Free Ebooks about Marketing My Clickbank Shop