Montag, 2. März 2009

Make a blog - 5 Tips of 100


The importance of this cannot be overemphasized. Having your blog on your own domain means your blog’s address is easier to remember and will be taken more seriously.

2. Publish To Your Own Hosting

Equally important to the previous tip. Do not publish your blog to a subdomain (like .blogspot or .wordpress). Blogspot blogs sometimes get randomly deleted and if yours does, you cannot retrieve your posts. You only truly own your blog if you publish it to your own hosting account. I recommend Momwebs for their affordable prices and fantastic customer service.

3. Purpose.

To borrow from Stephen Covey, begin with the end in mind. What is the purpose of your blog? Think about what you want from your blog a couple of years down the road. Is it to share your ideas with a wide audience? To be social? To write your memoir? To make money (and if so,how much)? To get a book deal? To snag opportunities (speaking,consulting, etc)? Write it down. It will help guide your decisions later on.

4. Set Goals.

Based on your one abiding goal, set small attainable goals,perhaps one for each month. It may be a certain number of comments, a certain number of posts, a traffic goal, or an income goal. If you know what you're working towards, your efforts will be more focused and productive.

5. Content, Content, Content.

The most important part of your blog is yourcontent. Focus on creating high quality content first and foremost. It's your most important marketing tactic of all.

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